Newgrange at the 15th North American Mine Ventilation Symposium

Newgrange attended the 15th North American Mine Ventilation Symposium in Blacksburg, Virginia at the invitation of Chasm Consulting. The Symposium ran from the 20th to the 25th of June at Virginia Tech and was very well supported with an International contingent from many of the major mining communities.

For some participants this was the first chance to get a quiz the Ventsim VisualTM software developer, watch demonstrations of the latest release features and learn how the software can help their operations. This was also the first release of the new PumpSimTM software into the mining industry and received a very favourable review.

The Chasm Consulting booth was kept busy over the three day conference with inquiries and demonstrations from a range of participants. Perhaps one of the reasons for the keen interest was the Ipad prize for the competition for highest score on destroying a ventilation network using the "Flight Path" function.